
Posts Tagged ‘hypokalemia in ecg’

hypokalemia U wave ECGhypokalemia U wave ECG 2

characters of normal U waves

It is usually recorded in the same direction as that of T waves

If it is opposite  it should be given significance .(Ischemic U waves ?)

More prominent in bradycardia

Mechanism of U waves

There are Three hypothesis

  1. Repolarization of papillary muscle
  2. Late repolarization of M cells in Mid myocardium
  3. After potential  to QRS  ie a  form of depolarization

Currently  the third option appears  closer to truth

How hypokalemia  result in tall U waves ?

If Hyperkalemia elevates T waves  it is natural  to expect  hypokalemia  to blunt , flatten or Invert the T waves .Of course , this happens in many . In others with severe hypokalemia an intact  T  is accompanied by a tall upright U  as well .This adds a mystery twist* to the exact genesis of this wave .

* During diastole cell membrane is closer to k +  if K + is deficient it tends to drift . (Some where i heard this   . . . but I do not understand it fully !)


ECG U waves 2


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