
Posts Tagged ‘dr smita mishra’

While their cardiology colleagues are extravagantly indulging in coronary arteries   ,It is heartening to note the pediatricians our country has  silently come out with the first India specific  criteria for Acute Rheumatic fever diagnosis and management.

It was long over due . . . three cheers to them !

* It is ironical  these guidelines came in 2008,many of us are aware about the  existence  such guidelines , still  every one is after PTMC  for a full blown mitral stenosis !


Highlights and Summary

  • WHO criteria  of 2001 is adopted
  • ASO titre positivity alone has less value  in the diagnosis .Hence the importance of which is down graded
  • Steroids  are mandatory in all grades of carditis for 12 weeks
  • Benzathine  penicillin  should be administered weight  based and to be given  every 15 days in children less than 27 kg.

More high lights will be posted.

Secondary prophylaxis of  for Rheumatic fever

Note the Important advice regarding weight based penicillin prophylaxis.



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