
Posts Tagged ‘indian criteria for acute rheumatic fever’

Rheumatic fever and RHD is still a major cause for  cardio vascular morbidity and mortality in India .It seems , improving quality of life  has little  impact on the incidence .(We could realise  this as  we sit in the cardiology OPD of a 200 year old hospital !) There is no country wide data on the true prevalence .  Our understanding of rheumatic heart disease is based on isolated  studies on localized populations .

Of late , cardiology   resources  in our country is diverted towards  much glamorous CAD the poor continue to  suffer with  RHD.

Just Imagine many   hospitals indulge in 1000s of PTCA every year  but hardly do  a  hand full of PTMCs.

How our cath  lab resources  are used   across the breadth and length of country needs some introspection (Currently , I believe we have about 750   labs ) .I think there should  be a binding legislation  in every cath lab .For every 10 PTCAs done   at least one PTMC must be done to heal the poor .( Like the Air-craft license  .You can’t fly only the lucrative metro sector is given only if IT  services less developed areas )

In this scenario ,  it is a pleasant  surprise  to find a  wonderful review article on RHD from the two pioneers ,  in lesser known medical journal IJMR  .

Review article rheumatic fever  Indian journal of medical researchEspecially heartening  is  the fact ,  it is a collective effort  from two  distant  regions of India ( Kochi from down south and  New Delhi In the north) . While politicians keep the divide , it is a great  work  of the authors , which  would help  youngsters  who  would like  to go on a national mission on eradication of RHD. .




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While their cardiology colleagues are extravagantly indulging in coronary arteries   ,It is heartening to note the pediatricians our country has  silently come out with the first India specific  criteria for Acute Rheumatic fever diagnosis and management.

It was long over due . . . three cheers to them !

* It is ironical  these guidelines came in 2008,many of us are aware about the  existence  such guidelines , still  every one is after PTMC  for a full blown mitral stenosis !


Highlights and Summary

  • WHO criteria  of 2001 is adopted
  • ASO titre positivity alone has less value  in the diagnosis .Hence the importance of which is down graded
  • Steroids  are mandatory in all grades of carditis for 12 weeks
  • Benzathine  penicillin  should be administered weight  based and to be given  every 15 days in children less than 27 kg.

More high lights will be posted.

Secondary prophylaxis of  for Rheumatic fever

Note the Important advice regarding weight based penicillin prophylaxis.



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