
Posts Tagged ‘secondary hypertension’

95 % of hypertension is designated as primary HT .What does it mean ?  It means  95 % of times  we do not   know what  exactly is the cause for raised blood pressure  . Simply stated  . . . it  reflects 95% ignorance .

So what is secondary hypertension ?

Secondary HT is the one,  in which we have specific reason for the raised BP.  The most important cause is Renal  ,  endocrine etc.

When will you suspect renal HT ?


How is secondary HT different ?

  • Occur at relatively at young age (<45)
  • It is generally more severe.
  • Diastolic BP is proportionately  higher ,
  • End organ damage is more.
  • It is very unlikely primary HT to present as acute LVF.  One rule of thumb is ,  if diastolic blo0d pressure is > 120 never diagnose  primary HT . Some amount of renal component is very likely.

Is stress related HT a form of secondary HT ?


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Systemic hypertension (SHT )  is the commonest  clinical entity encountered in cardiology consultations . 95 % of  HT is considered primary. The remaining 5 %  form the most important class of HT (Secondary to renal parenchymal, vascular , endocrine,  etc)

How  intelligent is this traditional classification of HT  ?

The incidence of primary and secondary  HT varies depending  upon the level of investigation we do . One of my  regular patient  who gets to me for  HT .He  is 42 year old man  works in financial institution  with lots of work stress and he was marginally obese as well .  He was investigated for all known cause of secondary HT and every parameter  was found to be normal and was being treated as   primary HT.

When he was about to leave my clinic he  bowled  this google !

Doctor , why do  you call  mine as  primary HT   ?  . . . When you yourself  say  my stress and weight is responsible for  high blood pressure ?

Primary vs secondary HT

Valid question is it not !  . .  . I told him   “somehow”  ,   we have not  been taught   in medical schools  , to consider stress  of life  as a factor  responsible for  developing secondary  HT !

Final message

Strange  definitions in medicine continue .  Not every one with high stress  levels develop HT  .There  are  some unknown factors operating  .Till we know that we  will keep calling them as primary HT .

( Who  knows the  man  who raised this question  may   show up  with adrenal hyperplasia  or a renal parenchymal dysfunction 5  years down the lane !)

We live by perceived  knowledge  on a moment to moment basis  ! . Ignorance  tries  to lock the doors of knowledge .

But we  continue to open new doors . That is the  only  purpose of medical research !

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