
Posts Tagged ‘femor femoral bypass’

Can  modern technology  bring back  the life from a   dead person ?

Yes it is possible  ,  not in the near future !  but  in the present era  . . .

This revolutionary new portable heart lung machine may just do that .

Imagine  this scenerio : A cardiac arrest  victim  – failed resuscitation  with  ACLS  ,   the patient  needs  to be taken for an emergency cardiac surgery or intervention .You need time at least ,  few hours .Till that time  this simple device   takes  over the  role  of GOD    i e  sustaining life   by   pumping  and oxygenating  6 liters of blood !

Learn more about this award winning wonder machine from lifebridge .Germany

LIFEBRIDGE Medizintechnik AG / Product / LIFEBRIDGE B2T®

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