
Posts Tagged ‘net work for organ sharing’

I got this alert from World health organisation  yesterday .Click over the image to read more .

dr s venkatesan who sucide alert cardiology heart transplantation

Why should  a cardiologist   affected about this ?

When we are fighting in cath lab day in night day out  to  extinguish the  myocardial fire set by  coronary thrombosis and the resultant STEMI  . . . the  solemn attempt to  salvage  whatever myocardial cells we can !

See . . . what is happening elsewhere  every 40 seconds a healthy heart  in toto  is executed by weak minds !

What should the WHO do ?

Just publish these data and forget . No,they should organise the world leaders to take a resolve !

Either , we should prevent these unnatural deaths or else we should  have world organ net work. Why can’t we use these weak hearts  for those courageous  men and women  who lose their life daily with end stage  cardiomyopathy  who  long for living !

Is this  possible ?

Why not ?  Ain’t  the world leaders group  together periodically  to impose a sanction or bomb other countries  for personal reasons !


WHO sucide prevention

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