
Posts Tagged ‘atrio pulmonary sulcus’

Very often in clinical  practice  cardiologists are asked to R/O significant coronary artery disease in asymptomatic persons .This population includes  people with multiple risk factors like diabetes, HT dyslipidemia  and non specific ST/T changes in ECG.

Many of us have lost the confidence of   ruling out CAD   in these population without looking at their  coronary angiogram.

Is it a right way of practicing cardiology ?

What we need to realise is,  we are asked  to rule out any critical lesions that are going to make a impact on these  other wise comfortable patients.  Nothing wrong if you miss a 30% lesion in PDA or OMs or diagonals !

Can we do this without doing coronary angiogram ?

Yes ,  we can .

Step by step  Ask these questions

  1. Ask the patient , if  he /she   can climb three  flight of  stairs  without any difficulty or
  2. Walk briskly for  20 minutes (5km/hr)

If yes , give  a   certificate   that he  has no critical  left main or proximal LAD  disease.

If you do not believe in his words , put him on a tread mill ,  if he crosses   stage  3   Bruce in TMT ( 9 mts)

give the above certificate  “with a frame”  now .

For still suspicious  physicians ,  We have  one more  investigation called  echocardiography !

Echo : The forgotten tool  for screening left main lesion.

Modern day echo machines have a  3mm resolution power (Many have 2mm ) .While ,  we are expected to look for 3mm vegetation to R/O Infective endocarditis , rarely is  a  cardiologist ,  tuned to  look for the left main ostium  in routine echocardiography  which averages 4-5mm is size. (Left main by echo link to another article)

In short axis  view just tilt at the level of pulmonary valves  (Atrio- pulmonary sulcus) one can visualise the left main ostium and the proximal left main emerging from the 4 o clock position. If you are lucky you can see the entire left main.

If nothing satisfies the physician (Or the patient)  ,Refer him for sliced CT scan , catheter coronary angiogram , or a  nuclear Imaging .Be ready for the attendant anxiety, interpretation errors, corporate  pressures , urge to  balloon ,  kick backs etc etc

By the way , how can  one  be happy by ruling out only left main disease ?  Is it not other lesions possible ?

Experience (Not science) has taught us  no  critical coronary obstruction is  possible ,  if  a patient walks for  9 minutes  in treadmill (10METS).

Even if it is there (A remote chance)  there is little documented benefit of any revascularisation procedure.

Counter point ?

Is it not a “crazy idea  to rely on patients history in ruling out  CAD   in these era , where   angiograms relayed  live  into   cardiologists  ipad  ?

Science has no value if it is not applied  for the patients welfare. Meticulous clinical  examination (And application of mind)  is the foundation stone on which  any medical investigation and therapy  should be based  upon. Most of the inappropriate coronary revascularisation are due to  neglect   of  this vital  component of clinical examination.

(I wonder ,  is it  really possible  these ” acts of omission”   be  deliberate some times  ! )

Final message

Clinical interrogation  may  miss an insignificant  CAD  ,  but it can never miss a critical CAD* .


Do not do coronary angiogram routinely to R/O  CAD.

It is not the way cardiology is to be practiced !

If only we apply  those  simple,  time tested concepts in every day practice we not only  save millions of  Rupees ,   but also thousands of futile   diagnostic tests and associated untoward effects can be avoided.

* Senstivity of  ruling out any CAD is about 70% , but it’s capcity to R/O critical CAD approaches 100%.


Please refer your own Brain.

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