
Posts Tagged ‘myxedema mechanism’

Hypothyroidism is  a classical example of  generalised edema formation .  The mechanism of which is extensively studied  .Still we are  not clear  about  it .

Content of edema fluid

  • Mucopolysacharides -Hyalinorunic acid
  • Albumin


  • Albumin leak into interstitial and extra cellular space  due to capillary dysfunction.
  • Reduced lymph clearance – probably due to poor lymphatic tone  .

Why hypothyroid  edema  does not pit on pressure ?

For pitting to occur tissue should be compressed and retain the elasticity .This means  the fluid can escape into the cell when mechanically compressed and comes back when the  elasticity of skin  brings  it back to its original status. For this to occur the skin and subcutaneous matrix should be normal in texture.

In cardiac failure and renal  failure   edema is   primarily due to  altered hydrostatic forces and skin  is intrinsically normal .So  some amount of pitting  is retained . In hypothyroidsim and lymphedema  where there is  an intrinsic  pathology  of the  skin   pitting  is rare.

Why constriction and  cardiac tamponade are rare with hypothyroid pericardial effusion ?

Like the generalised slow response of hypothyroid individuals  the effusion is  also very slow forming and is rarely large so tamponade is rare .

The hypothyroid infiltrates which  collects within  the pericardial space it rarely infilitrates  the fibrinous pericardium (The thick outer shell ) .Unless fibrinous pericardium is inflamed or infiltrated constriction is exceedingly rare .Simple epicardial infiltration may cause some restrictive  physiology but not constriction .


Lancet. 1975 Mar 8;1(7906):564-6.Effusions into body cavities in hypothyroidism.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/47029

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