
Posts Tagged ‘ldl’

15 % of body weight is fat. (10kg) Out of which just 250 mg of cholesterol is streaming in blood. We must understand fat, lipid and cholesterol are different entities. LDL is obviously a target against atherosclerosis. While the total body fat seems to do little in determining blood cholesterol levels, what is more scientifically shocking is the slope of curve between blood LDL levels and plaque burden is rarely linear. Mind you, LDL constitutes .000025% of total fat. We have many other targets in dyslipidemia like free cholesterol, harmful fatty acids, remnant cholesterol, TGLs, dysfunctional HDLs

LDL is not innocent

Cone electron microscopic Image : A macrophage after a diet full of LDL molecules

There are innumerable evidence for LDL, being the enemy number one in human atherosclerosis .It don’t know but, it fully deserve the name bad cholesterol.It looks like it may be counting its last few decades, as the whole pharma industry is activated to destroy this physiological molecule that carries some critical functions in our body. In one of the hyper-educated debate, I asked how low we can bring LDL down ? One leading professor of lipidology with a H index possibly crossing his LDL levels, said, we can go as low as possible , even to zero. He argued for possible eradication of this heinous molecule. No surprise, there was a thunderous applause from the industry benches.

How to go about lowering the LDL ?

Statins are the first line drugs. We have found it is not enough, it doesn’t bring down LDL below 70 in many , enhancing the residual risk .Now, we have found a God sent weapon. PCSK has got into our hands after some stunning collaborative research between geneticists, biochemist and pharma guys. Let us use it judiciously . This LDL receptor regulatory chaperone , prevents its recycling so blocking or reducing its function

This cartoon from the Dr. Libby’s article (Ref. 1) image depicts the potential pathways beyond Evolocumab (Repatha) and Alirocumab (Praluent). PCSK can either be blocked after its synthesis or paralyzed before it is synthesized (RNA manipulation therapy SiRNA). There is one hidden face for PCSK trials as exposed by BMJ report of FOURIER methodology that will argue some caution with this new target.

Bembidoic acid is a also can also join the death game of LDL .It just acts two step above the HMG-CoA axis blocking ATP citrate lyase, . BM-Acid is approved by FDA well before the CLEAR trial by Steven E. Nissen et al NEJM 2023Leqvio ® (Inclisiran) is also approved in 2023. Soon, we will get vaccines that will promote lipid catabolism.

Ok let us be practical : What does the current guidelines say about LDL target?

It depends upon the risk profile and the guidelines you follow. Numbers to remember are 70, 55, 40 mg

Key Takeaways Comparing Lipid Guidelines Across the Pond: The Hot Off the Press 2019 ESC vs. 2018 ACC/AHA Guidelines

One of my suggestion is to try keep both LDL and HDL as narrow as possible. This would mean both LDL &HDL should hover around 55 -60mg in high risk category

Can we allow the proposed free fall of LDL ? (Ref 2)

If we apply the 50% reduction from baseline criteria, if someone develops CAD at 50 mg, it would mean to reduce LDL to 25 mg, right? This is where the problem starts. LDL, apart from being a carrier of hormones, may have a role in the structural stability of every cell membrane. While, the relationship between LDL and atherosclerosis is so intimate, funnily we have heaps of data that show South Asian population with tons & tons of plaque with normal LDL. The lesson we haven’t learned from the Indian paradox is that there are more unknown and invisible culprits in promoting atherosclerosis and CAD.

*In fact, for the future generations, there is more exciting ignorance waiting to be decoded. CAD without standard modifiable risk factor SMURF is the new agenda (nearly 25% of CAD occurs in the absence of SMURF – Ref -3). In this scenario, whipping a single known culprit and playing the LDL number game among the public mind is not welcome.

Final message

The tendency to portray a physiological molecule LDL , as a sole villain for CAD is not correct. Further ,trying to eradicate it, Implies, inadequate understanding of human lipidology.



1.Libby, P., Tokgözoğlu, L. Chasing LDL cholesterol to the bottom — PCSK9 in perspective. Nat Cardiovasc Res 1, 554–561 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44161-022-00085-x

2.Bandyopadhyay D, Qureshi A, Ghosh S, Ashish K, Heise LR, Hajra A, Ghosh RK. Safety and Efficacy of Extremely Low LDL-Cholesterol Levels and Its Prospects in Hyperlipidemia Management. J Lipids. 2018 Apr 23;2018:8598054. doi: 10.1155/2018/8598054. PMID: 29850255; PMCID: PMC5937425.

3.Justin Paul G, Sankaran S, Saminathan K, Iliyas Outcomes of ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction without Standard Modifiable Cardiovascular Risk Factors – Newer Insights from a Prospective Registry in India. Glob Heart. 2023 Mar 16;18(1):13. doi: 10.5334/gh.1189. PMID: 36936250; PMCID: PMC10022543.

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I’m trying to get  a right  answer for this question for quiet some time. The literature on lipids is so vast  , one can never finish reviewing it.There are   nearly two dozen journals that  deal with lipids ,Atherosclerosis, obesity ,and vascular biology .

Yet  , the answer to this simple question is elusive to us .The Irony is complete when we have evidence for   two diagonally  opposite responses 4 and 5 .

My interpretation of the issue

Any lipid molecule if exceeds a critical  level ( Only  if   . . . associated with hypertension, or diabetes or smoking ) can penetrate the vascular endothelium. ( HT-pressure injury , Smoke- Endothelial dysfunction  due to Nitric oxide depletion) DM -Glycation of cell membrane  , finally some  unknown inflammatory component )

Though evidence  for direct endothelial  injury is more for LDL ,  less for TGL (Almost nil  for VLDL , but  TGL has more VLDL in it !)

Strangely ,these molecules , express a mob psychological behavior .In isolation they appear innocuous. But ,in an  unfavorable   setting it shows signs of  revolt. If a group of  LDL molecule start attacking a  dysfunctional segment  of endothelium , the other molecules  like TGL and VLDL fractions would love to join the crowd  and inflict further  damage . (Of course ,the lonely HDL may watch the chaos silently !)

Questions to ponder

If LDL is a sharp knife like molecule  trying to injure the blood vessel , every normal human being is potentially threatened  by this  lipid fraction . Mind you,  this is a physiological molecule  traversing the human vascular system  at concentration  of 130mg/dl  at the  velocity of blood .

So it is  foolish  to blame this  physiological molecule for all our ignorance.

I recall one recent definition for hyperlipidemia

The lipid levels at which a patient develops vascular injury is considered high for him !

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Statins have revolutionised the treatment of coronary artery disease .Intensive lipid lowering is the fundamental prerequisite in the management of both acute and chronic coronary syndromes. One question  is  always difficult to answer , ( rather reluctant to find the answer )  “The effect of statins on the HDL cholesterol”. Logic and the mechanisms of action would suggest HDL is not much affected , but in reality  I believe , in a given patient statins  do  reduce the HDL by at-least 10-20 % .This might have some significance. However ,  the marked  reduction in LDL  may nullify the adverse effects of lowering HDL.   Does this happen in all

What does the scientific evidence say ?

It says the opposite .  It seems  HDL is raised by statins that too significantly . The following paper also  suggests mechanism of  HDL  elevation by statins .It is Independent  to that of LDL reduction , I believe .

This JAMA article  adds more evidence


This paper  from  the  premier  Journal  of   Lipid research  agrees  to the   mechanism of  HDL reduction by statin  is a complex process  but still  it vouches for it .


In spite of  all these  evidence . . .   it  remains a  huge suspect . . . from my personal point of  view ( My patients are  my evidence !  )

Coming soon

The above articles also raise an important  concept of dysfunctional HDL.  Simple raise  in HDL is not suffice . . .it should be functional as well !

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Atherosclerosis   remains the number one cause for all vascular disease of human beings. It probably  kills more  patients than all other causes put together .

Modern medicine has never conquered the disease. How  the vascular system ages and why some develop premature atherosclerosis remains largely speculative. While it is true , we have identified some major risk factor for development and progression of the atherosclerosis  , patients with out any of those risk factors do develop severe atherosclerosis !So researchers sought to look for some other risk factors . There lies the difficulty  and irony .

We always tend to the research with the affected population .When we know millions of people with the so called risk factors live comfortably , there lies an opportunity  to  analyse why they are protected against the onslaught of atherosclerosis .It is always convenient to blame it or bless it on the genetic predisposition .But we need to look beyond that .Of course  . every genetic expression has to  manifest phenotypically .

While the search for all those hidden secrets has to continue , we should also realize in pursuit of breakthrough we some times waste our energy in false targets  for too many decades !

The reality as on today is ,  there is no reliable  &  undisputed drug available to arrest atherosclerosis  (Some would love to call statin so . . . )

While  our basic science colleagues struggle  in molecular  factories and biological models in pursuit of answer against  atherosclerosis , our elite  cardiac physicians   carry on with the cosmetic touches over this   progressive disease  in  sophisticated cath labs.

Let us hope  man prevails over nature . . .

A cartoon , Just for laughs . . .

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This was written originally in 2009 early days of this blog. Now, re-posting it in 2021  , wonder any one has new data on this! 

We know diabetes, smoking, hyperlidemia, hypertension are major risk factors for progressive vascular disease. They damage the vascular endothelium either directly or indirectly , by aggravating the atheroscelortic process .  Diabetes apart from affecting the medium sized arteries , also affect the microvasculature.  Smoking  has a direct effect on endothelial function .It depletes vascular nitric oxide. High levels of circulating lipids injures the sub endothelial structures and invades the media by entering macrophages .So , all these 4 risk factors either operate independently or interact with each other and result in progressive vascular    disease.

While we  believe , these risk factors do not have any bias in attacking the human vascular  tree, in the real world it is observed they have their own  behavior pattern and  have unique predilection and a deadly alliance .

For example , in  chronic smokers TAO is the commonest manifestation , thrombo angitis is far too less common to occur in the coronary arteries.

Similarly  hypertension  per se  rarely results in an acute coronary syndrome while it is  the  single  important  cause for cerebro vascular  disease. Diabetes especially in women has very strong predilection for CAD , while diabetic per se is a lesser risk for stroke. Hyperlipedimia may be the one which has fairly even risk throughout the vasculature. Similarly there is  a difference in renal and   carotid arterial involvement with reference to  the conventional  risk factors .

SHT diabetes dyslipidemia coroanry risk factor

Why this apparent difference ?

We are unlikely  to get an answer to this question in the near future .  Left to the youngsters  . . . of tomorrow !

* Note of  clarification

The source for the above chart is collected from various studies and also a huge observational data from our hospital. There could be some geographical variation , a given individual may respond differently to these risk factor depending upon his genetic predisposition and susceptibility . So the above data can be applied to general population and not to a individual.

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10.14prescriptionRXStatins are projected to be  the saviours of human race against the  killer atherosclerosis .Now we have reached a stage  soon ,  where every healthy individual may be administered this drug. There are consistent evidence for statins to reduce , retard , prevent progression of existing atheroscelorosis  and possibly prevent future atherosclerosis.

This  wonder drug acts by blocking the HMG COA enzyme a vital  enzyme that regulates the lipid metabolism within the cells. It is made to appear  as if ,  the  God has  created this enzyme  with the only purpose for human suffering , by blocking this   we  expect  all errors in lipid  metabolism is corrected.

This enzyme is  part of the house keeping  system  that is meant to service the human cellular lipid layers 24hrs a day. If it  is impaired intentionally one can imagine the consequences. That’s what modern science is all about. Luckily God is kind enough the side effects of  blocking this enzyme is seen only in minority. The myopathies that are classically described with statins are due to possible mitochondrial dysfunction .

As the debate still  continues to find the   optimal bottom levels  of LDL  , we have more worries ,  real world experiences have brought us a new issue  namely  the  reduction of HDL with statins. While literature search on statins and HDL  tell  us there is marginal increase in HDL up to 10% the fact is there is marginal fall or significant  fall in many of the patients .

How can this happen ? A  huge difference between real world and trial world ?

statins hdl ldl

* Brands shown  not intentional

Readers are welcome to add their input on this question .


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Let us not forget the basics !

  • HT management has been made  easier with the availability of  many  good drugs , at the same time it has become a complex  issue with as many classification and guidelines.
  • The management of HT has evolved over the decades. Now we have realised  HT  is not a simple number game . Reducing the blood pressure to target levels is not  sufficient and is not the primary aim !.
  • In fact we now know controlling the numbers alone is never going to work  , combined risk factor reduction is of paramount importance.
  • HT per se is less lethal but when it combines with hyperlipidemia and diabetes or smoking  it becomes  aggressive.The blood lipids  especially the LDL molecule  enjoy the high pressure environment  ,   penetrate and invade the vascular endothelium.
  • ASCOT  LLA  study has taught us,   for blood pressure reduction to  be effective and reduce CAD  events one has to reduce thier  lipid levels also.So , for every patient with HT there is not only a target BP but also a target LDL level .



Final message

The tip for better vascular  health is  , all  hypertensive patients should keep their lipids to optimal levels and all hyperlipidemia patients should keep their BP as low as possible .

“Keep your LDL  as low as  your diastolic blood pressure  and  let us  keep it around 70 -80

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