
Now, you can view who all are reading this site live on a revolving globe. It makes all the more happier to note that all these grateful and honourable dots (i.e., you) are literally drawing the world map . Six million reads from 190 countries, right from the Solomon Islands in Micronesian Pacific, abutting the International date line, to the extreme west, reaching Chile and Hawaii has happened so far.

Please click here, to see your live location , zoom on the dot and check, it is indeed true.

This is a 15-year-old post about LVH, written in 2008. Few of my colleagues, now agree with this, but still hesitate to oblige in  the open, suggesting it is too good to be true! Re-posting it for your own assessment. Surprised, why cardiology community didn’t consider this observation worthy to pursue. Advantages of Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) Left ventricular hypertrophy is one of the most common clinical cardiac entity.It is recognised either by ECG or echocardiography.LVH has a unique place in cardiology as it can imply a  grossly pathological state or  a marker of healthy heart as in physiological hypertrophy in athletes. Logic would suggest, in this era of stem cells and  nano medicine ,  every muscle fibre in ventricle is worth in gold !. So when the nature provides an extra reserve of myocardium in the form of LVH one should welcome it, if otherwise not harmful.

Is LVH due to systemic hypertension benign ?

Not really, LVH has been shown to be an independent cardiac risk factor. (The famous Framingham study)Further LVH can result in diastolic dysfunction and the risk of cardiac failure increases.

But in spite of these observations, an  astute clinician with considerable experience will appreciate , patients with LVH fare better during an acute coronary syndrome !

This has been a consistent clinical observation . (Shall we call it as class C . ACC /AHA evidence? )

Is LVH  an asset during ACS ?

  • A hypertrophied heart takes ischemic injury very easy , it doesn’t really hurt much . Another possibility is that in  LVH myocytes are relatively resistant to hypoxia .
  • Patients with LVH rarely show  significant wall motion defect following an STEMI.This is probably because the full thickness transmural necrosis is almost never possible even if extensive MI occurs.
  • This is also reflected in ECG  as these patients   rarely develop q waves in  following STEMI .
  • Persistent ST elevation and failed thrombolysis is very uncommon in pateints with LVH.
  • LVH provides  a relative immunity against development of cardiogenic shock . It requires 40% of LV mass destruction to produce cardiogenic shock.This can rarely happen in LVH. In a  long term analysis we have found none of the patient with LVH developed cardiogenic shock following STEMI.
  • LVH patients  are also protected against development of free wall rupture.

 Concluding message

                   “Lack of published evidence is the weakest evidence to dismiss a true myth” LVH , either pathological or physiological, has a hitherto unreported beneficial effect.It acts as a myocardial reserve and helps limit the impact of STEMI.

Pardon ,this video is nothing to do with cardiology. It is from the archives of the United nations library .This can teach some important lessons in art of communication , sharing to all folks, especially medical students. It was recorded in 1959 in Newyork, UN head quarters.Four 17 year old school girls & boys were invited for a debate on a complex topic. Does God exist ? How do you pray ? and what is the purpose of different religions ?

I keep wondering , how these youngsters accumulated so much wisdom and express it in such a polite manner too. Mind you, this was recorded , when learning happened with out any digital aids.The word Internet was unheard off. No ego, no bluntness, no diatirbes that has become a norm in many debates now. I got a punching lesson from this clip, be gentle when taking extreme views in any topic.

I wish, every medical debate in class rooms should happen this way.The key to succesful debate is, to accumulate knowedge, willingness to question the convention, and respecting the oppositie point of view.

The high point of talk show, was, when the Brazilian girl(due respects, she should be nearing 80 years now) tell us casually some things are not meant to be understood in life .I tell the same when some patients ask too many questions about their illness which may not have an answer.

Wishing every one of you an Enlightening New year. As we begin a new journey around the sun, yet another time, let us re-dedicate ourself, to use science, for the welfare of our planet & people.

Thank you , for visiting this site and make all its worth.

Just one memory of 2022, lingers ! Retired and left Madras medical college,Chennai after 3 decades, which grew me up as a Cardiologist.



Why didn’t you do it … for this patient?

 “I thought, he was not the right patient for the procedure. I believe, what I did was the correct decision. Why all this fuzz? after all, the patient is doing so well without that procedure,.. are you worried about that? 

“No, I need an explanation, we have a fully functional cath lab in our center. The patient came in the right window period. Still, you haven’t offered the best mode of treatment”.

“I can reiterate it again sir. Just because a lab is available 24/7, it doesn’t make all patients eligible for a  PCI. I think I didn’t commit a professional misdemeanor when I decided in favor of fibrinolysis. In fact, I would be guilty had I rushed him to the cath lab, just to satisfy the misplaced scientific position we have decided to adopt. If you think, I am culpable for successfully treating a patient without taking the patient to the cath lab, you may proceed with the penal action.

Before that, I would request you to please read the current edition of this book we all revere. (Which continues to mentor physicians all over the globe for the past 50 years)


The current edition of Harrison 2022 is just out. I thought, there is something great learning point in Cardiology chapter, specifically about the reperfusion strategies in STEMI

My hearty thanks to the editors of the chapter for the crystal clear expression about this much-debated procedure* and specifically choosing the word “PCI appears* to be more effective ” (even) if it is done in experienced persons in dedicated centers. The choice of the word used by the authors is Intentional and must be applauded. This message must be propagated to all our fellow physicians. What a way to convey an important truth pertaining to the management of the most common cardiac emergency, while many in the elite specialty are so dogmatic in their assertion without verifying the reality.

*  The verdict is still under the jury even after 3 decades, since the PAMI days of the early 1990s. Thank you, Harrison. What a gentle, but a righteous way to express an opinion about a procedure that is apparently enjoying a larger-than-life image based on a handful of studies and a flawed meta-analysis.

Final message 

Primary PCI is just an alternate form of treatment to fibrinolysis in STEMI. Both are equipoise in the majority of patients. Extreme care and diligence are required to harvest the small benefit the PCI seems to provide.  There are lots of ” if and buts” that decide the success of this procedure. Get trained, and do it selectively for those who really need it.


You may call yourself a super-specialist. But, please realize, If you have any doubt about key management strategies, never feel shy to take a cue from Internal medicine books. The greatness of these warrior books is that, it comes devoid of all those scientific clutters backed by premature evidence. 


Dr.Richard Asher,  a British physician from Sussex addressed a group of young passing out medical students way back in 1948 in London. The lecture was titled seven sins of medicine! We should thank the Lancet for having published this brief speech the subsequent year in its journal making it immortal medical teaching!

Seven sins of medicine lancet 1949

Seven sins of medicine

Though he was listing these sins among medical students, it is very relevant to every health professional.

1. Obscurity
Asher endorses the use of clear communication and plain language whether writing or speaking. Obscurity may be used to cloak one’s own ignorance, or due to an inability to communicate with those outside of the medical profession. “If you don’t know, don’t admit it. Instead, try to confuse your listeners.” is not uncommon. Regardless of the intention, whether to misdirect from incompetence or to foster a feeling of superiority, the patient and those surrounding them are often left confused and uncertainiy.
2. Cruelty
 This sin is perhaps one of the most commonly committed by doctors and medical students. Whether it be the physical thoughtlessness of a half-dozen students palpating a painful tumor mass, or loudly taking (or presenting) a patient’s history in a crowded room, one of the first things that is unlearnt by a medical professional is to treat the patient as they themselves would like to be treated.
3. Bad Manners
 Often overlooked, rudeness or poor taste in humour is condoned within the hospital setting. At the end of the day, many doctors and students are simply rude to patients that do not suit them. Whether it is a snapping at an uncooperative patient or making a cruel joke about them after leaving the room, the impact of these “coping mechanisms” (as they are considered to be by many) must be taken into account.
4. Over-Specialisation
 In a growing trend by the medical establishment, over-specialization and under-generalization is a growing problem in the wider medical community. Ignoring aspects of one’s education in favor of more interesting aspects is a behavior that is pathological and outright negligent in a student. Failure to diagnose or to treat a patient because “their signs and differential fall outside of my field, let’s turf them to another service” ought to be a seriously considered Supervisory & Training issue.
5. Love of the Rare
 (aka “If you hear hoof-beats, think horses. Not zebras”) The desire for rare and interesting diseases causes many medical students and young doctors to seek the bizarre rather than seeing a mundane diagnosis.
6. Common Stupidity
As well as the standard definition for this sin, the specific example of “using empirical procedures rather than tailoring for the patient” or the young doctor “flying on autopilot” must be mentioned. Ordering another test that is redundant, and for which the results may already be interpreted from the history, before starting treatment is such a situation. For example: requesting a hemoglobin count before beginning transfusion, despite the fact that the patient appears obviously anaemic.
7. Sloth
 Laziness. Also includes ordering excessive numbers of tests, rather than simply taking the time to take an adequate history

Final message

 It is astonishing, to note  Dr.Asher made this observation in the very early days in the evolution of modern medicine,(No critical care units, no HMOs, No industry nexus with research, & commodification of medicine  )  I wonder what Dr. Asher would have to write if he is alive in 2021.

Wish, every medical professional shall find their Asher score. Looking back on my career, I must confess my score would be 3 ( may be 3.5 !) out of 7.  Now, desperately trying to get rid of them. Mind you, the 4th (Overspecailisation)  and 6 th (common stupidity) is inherently built into the system. I think, very tough to avoid them.

Who is a doctor?  Where are they made?

I haven’t clearly understood the true meaning of customary Dr tag, my name carries for more than 3 decades, till I saw this. Wish, this video is played to all young medical students on their graduation day.

             I am realizing with guilt, it requires a Holywood movie buff to remind us the true meaning of the famous WHO – definition of Health, done in the most holistic fashion in the year 1948. 

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

So, technically, whoever serves to improve these three components and alleviate human suffering becomes a doctor. 

Happy to share this on July 1st, the official Doctor’s day in India in memory of the Bharat Ratna Dr.B.C.Roy of Bengal. 


The clip is from the movie Patch Adams, Directed by Tom Shadyac.  A Hollywood celebrity movie maker, Virginian professor of communication turned philanthropist, now retired to a minimalist life. He is also known for his famous documentary I am that talks about the problems faced by the world. Though his works are much appreciated, I  must say, they are underrated. Deserves more than an Oscar for communicating his thoughts on the medical profession perfectly and for social equality.








I think it is an Invalid question. Whether you like it or not , medical science and philosophy are always bonded together and its relationship is eternal. It doesn’t make sense to separate them. I think we have misunderstood the meaning of philosophy. While science is presumed truths, philosophy is trying to believe in unknown truths. Philosophical truths are built-into every decision a medical professional takes.

If the expected natural history of any disease is science, unexpected deviations are philosophy. (RT PCR testing for diagnosing  Corona is science, why 90% of them are not infective and don’t transform disease is philosophy) When something is not seen or quantifiable like human immunity, it is a perfect example of concealed science or manifest philosophy.

Taking about what we think we know is science, Talking about what we really don’t know is philosophy. The term Idiopathic syndrome finds a  proud of the place in every specialty in medicine, Isn’t? 

 What will be your answer when your patient wants an assurance that a stent, you had just implanted will not get occluded in the next 6 months or so.“I don’t know, I cant assure you about that”  will be your most likely answer. (Though, we do it in style, hiding behind  the scientific hyperbole decorated with numbers,  also referred to as statistics) Please realize, this is the expression of medical philosophy in the finest form.

Final message 

My Impression is, philosophical truths should be liberally used in a regular fashion right from the first-year medical school to advanced specialty teaching. This seems essential as science in the current times suffers from too much sanctity. This has spilled over to the doctor population as well, and make them appear invincible. 

If only we realize science often trails behind the philosophical truths at least by a few decades, our patients will not be injured inappropriately and prematurely. Mixing science with philosophy in the right composition ( a perfect academic cocktail ) will bring out the best from the noble profession.   


Can anyone guess, why scientists are given a doctorate in Philosophy degree  (PhD ) ?

A young man aged around 40 years, had a STEMI was promptly thrombolysed in a small hospital located about 40 KM away in the suburbs of my city Chennai. They did an awesome job of saving the patient life and salvaging the myocardium.

Now begins the story . . . one of the non-medical person who is the owner of the hospital has an unfortunate working  business relationship with a frighteningly big nearby hospital  which had signed a memorandum of irresponsible understanding . It demanded any  patient who arrives in the small hospital with MI should be transferred at earliest opportunity to them.

So, an ambulance was arranged  and the patient (with a fairly well reperfused heart ) was shifted  in an emergency fashion . It reached desired destination after nicely chugging along the choked chaotic Chennai evening traffic for 45 minutes.

The guy was taken directly to cath lab through the side doors to perform a second salvage  procedure on a successfully opened IRA. Young cardiology consultants  in designer cath suite welcomed the smiling ACS patient to their posh new lab .Did few rapid radial shots, mumbled among themselves for few minutes,  decided to stent  a minimal LAD lesion for a patient who was in  zero distress with well-preserved LV function.

*The relatives of the patients were curious when they were asked sign a fresh set of consent which elaborately  mentioned about possible life risk during the procedure.

The patient’s wife  was clearly  amused and she pointed out to the superior cardiologists about  the earlier briefing by the Inferior freelance cardiologist who treated him in the previous hospital. She recalled , “I was told in confident terms  that  Initial thrombolysis  has been spectacularly  successful and bulk of the treatment is over and risk of complication has dramatically reduced”.

Then why is this distressing risk taking story again ,  she asked ?

The doctors hurriedly explained ,”this procedure is different. We are sorry to say we have no other option but to add  further risk to you” ! but , its all for your good !

Why should I ?  If the initial lysis is very successful  why do you want to meddle with it again ?

No Madam , you are ill-informed , you can’t talk like that .This is what modern  science  is all about. Leave the professional decision to us. We need to check immediately  whether the lysis is really successful .We can’t rely on the ECG.Further, true success lies in stenting the lesion as we fear the ill-fated site may close again.We are  taught to practice protocols based on standard scientific guidelines. This hospital has highest rating in-terms of quality care. That’s why we got updated ISO 2000  NABH accreditation

The women who is a soft ware engineer was smartly and  scientifically silenced in 5 minutes flat !

Post-amble :

What happened  to the patient then ? (When you fear something it happens is in’t the  Murphy’s law ?)

The apparently asymptotic and comfortable patient had uneventful PCI. A  long drug eluting  stent  was  implanted in recanalized  lesion in LAD with around 30 % narrowing that ended with an innocuous looking diagonal pinch. The procedure was uneventful , however next day he developed some fresh ECG changes and chest pain . The worried team took him for another angio found  stent was patent But , ultimately after a stressful 3 days of stay , some thing went wrong he ended up with new LV dysfunction.He got discharged fine with a caution  that , his stent needs to intensively monitored for the next 1 year since technically he had recurrent ACS !

Lessons we don’t learn from such cases.

When two procedures are done to accomplish the same aim (Reperfusion) , but with  differing success rates, expertise, time ,and unpredictable hazards , the benefits from them may not add together. There is clear knowledge deficit here. Scientific data can never provide fair answers to  these questions  as all real life cofounders can never be recreated in study population.

While we expect 1+1 to become  two in pharmaco-Invasvie strategy  ,one should realise it may end up with  either zero or even  – 2 .

1 -1 = 0

-1 + (-1)=  -2 ?

Learning cardiology from lay persons 

The patient’s shrewd wife threw this question ,

After two modes of re-perfusion done sequentially in my  husband’s  heart ,  at a total cost of Rs4.5Lakhs Why he  is  still left with significant LV dysfunction (Which was  around 40% EF.)

The query raised by the lady appeared much more crucial and logical than the ones discussed in many top-notch live interventional workshops we attend every few months!

As usual , I started mulling over the issue. There is something wrong with the way , we  understand  the pharmaco invasive approach-PIA .You go with it only if  initial pharmacological  approach has failed.

Of Course ,there is one more modality possible ie Pharmaco -Angio strategy where in, you look at the coronary anatomy and take a call ! This sounds good , the only issue is taking a right call ! My experience suggests wrong calls are the rule and  exceptions are rare. Then a whole new issue erupts about all those non IRA lesions

Final message

So,  til we have gain complete self-control over our evolved ignorance and evolving knowledge , it is better to follow this proposed  funny new ACS algorithm called “Pharmaco -non invasive” approach (PNIA)  in asymptomatic ACS patients  who have had apparently successful lysis.

*Please note, Incidentally  PNIA actually  refers to simple good old traditional stand alone thrombolysis.

Counter point

No one can deny Interventional cardiology carries a risk of untoward effects.Don’t blow this out of proportion. Do you know, how many lives have been saved by routine Pharmaco -Invasive approach ?

I am not sure , my experience may be limited.Let me ask the readers. Is routine PIA is warranted in all asymptomatic , successfully lysed STEMIs ?

100% occlusion of a coronary artery result in STEMI.This includes both thrombus and mechanical component .We are very much blinded till we touch , feel and see the lesion with a wire or IVUS to quantify the mechanical component’s  contribution in the genesis of  STEMI.It is generally believed (True as well ) thrombus is the chief culprit .It can even be 100 % thrombotic STEMI with  just a residual endothelial  erosion and hence
zero mechanical component .However , the point of contention that non flow limiting lesion is more likely to cause a thrombotic STEMI than a flow liming
lesion  seems to be biased and misunderstood scientific fact .

What happens once 100 % occlusion take place ?

Sudden occlusion , is expected to evoke a strong fire fighting response within the coronary artery.The immediate reaction is the activation of  tissue plasminogen system. In this aftermath  few succumb . ( Re-perfusion arrhythmia  generated as VF ) .The TPA system activates and tries to lyse the clot.The volume , morphology, attachment, content of thrombus ,  and the elasticity of fibrin mesh , location of  platelet core would determine the life and dissolvablity of thrombus. Even a trickle flow can keep the distal vessel patent .(Please note a timely TIMI 2 flow can be a greater achievement than a delayed TIMI 3  flow !)

thrombus propgation
What happens to the natural history of thrombus in STEMI ?
Thrombus formed over the culprit lesion can follow any of the following course

  •  Can remain static
  •  Get lysed by natural or pharmacological means
  •  Progress distally (By fragmentation or by moving en-mass )
  •  Grow proximal and and involve more serious proximal side branch obstruction
  • Organise and become a CTO

Factors determining thrombus migration

The interaction between the hemodynamic  forces that push a thrombus distally and hemo-rheological factors that promote fresh proximal thrombus formation are poorly understood. The altered intra-coronary milieu with a fissured plaque covered by  platelet vs RBC / fibrin core,  totally of obstruction,  reperfusing forces , re-exposure of raw areas and  the distal vessel integrity all matters.

While, logic would tell us,  thrombus more often migrates  distally  assisted by the direction of blood flow, an  opposite concept also seeks attention , ie since the blood flow is sluggish  in the proximal (to obstruction site )more thrombus forms in segments proximal to obstruction.

(In fact, its presumed  in any acute massive proximal LAD STEMI , it takes hardly few minutes for the thrombus to  queue up proximaly and  clog the bifurcation and spill over to LCX or even reach left main and result in instant mechanical death.)

What is the significance of length and longitudinal resistance of the thrombotic segment in STEMI ?

If thrombus is the culprit let us get rid of it , this concept looks nice on paper , but still  we don’t  know why thrombus aspiration in STEMI is not consistently useful. We also know little about  the length of the thrombotic  segment .When a guide wire is passed over a STEMI ATO it may cross smoothly like  “cutting a slice of  butter” in some , while in few we struggle and  end up with severe no-reflow inspite of great efforts .Why ?

What is the Impact of distal collateral flow in flushing fresh thrombus ?

The efficacy of collateral flow in salvaging myocardium is underestimated. Distal vessel flow if perfused partially by acute collaterals the thrombus load is not only less it’s soft and fail to get organised early that would help cross the lesion easily.

medical education critics cardiology evdnce based medicine growth ethics

Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi ,  father of my country , India , made these observations in year 1925  about the  fundamental constituents of  violence in society . These words of monumental wisdom came when he was  addressing young Indians in a country- side rally .

mahatma gandhi quotes medical science humanity

Note, his finger points to , what  exactly is relevant to our profession ! He emphasized this  nearly  100 years ago, when medical science was at its infancy .One can only guess what would be Mahatma’s comment about our profession in it’s  current form !

Should we include moral, behavioral and ethical classes  right from the first year of medical  school along with Anatomy , physiology and bio chemistry.Medical council of India obviously need to burn more mid night oil , I wish it happens in my life time. !

I don’t know, any one has tried to differentiate the mechansims of dyspnea with reference to systolic and diastolic dysfunction .We have made some  observations  in certain group  of patients  during EST . I do not know how far one would agree  with this .

For  the same amount of  stress or work load persons with  systolic dysfunction  behave differently . However ,both will complete the activity but the onset and perception of dyspnea is slightly different in patients with predominant diastolic dysfunction.

Diastolic dyspnea (Dyspnea due to predominant diastolic dysfunction / HFPEF)

  • Delayed dyspnea .  It manifest  well after the exertion is completed.
  • It is more off a struggle to handle the venous return .The forward flow (Arterial circuit )  is relatively well toned and  tuned  and hence fatigue is rare .
  • Typically it has a prolonged recovery time .(? > 1-2 minutes )
  • Is it  less harmful  in terms of longevity ?  May be . . . since it is more related to physical  de-conditioning. Most of the physiological  episodes of dyspnea are probably  diastolic dysfunction  mediated .
  • Dyspnea that is triggered  in diastole is also dependent very much  on the  heart rate .If the heart rate fail to reach the baseline the recovery of dyspnea is also delayed
  • Some believe , physiological dyspnea should disappear within 30-60 seconds after termination of activity  .(Highly  arbitrary!)

The pressure volume loop in various forms of heart disease will determine the degree of myocardial stretch and the resultant dyspnea .Image source : http://www.1cro.com/medicalphysiology/chapter10/chap_10.htm

Systolic dyspnea (Dyspnea due to predominant systolic dysfunction )

  • Patients with primary systolic pump failure experience dyspnea very early into exercise  .
  • Much of dyspnea  occur during activity itself .
  • Exercising muscles show hypoxia  and hence  fatigue is conspicuous .
  • Recovery  of dyspnea is relatively immediate as the activity is stopped .Demand from exercising  muscle is  significantly dropped.
  • If the venous return is well handled by the ventricles the  recovery phase is more comfortable .


In primary diastolic dysfunction  ,the maximum stress  to ventricle occurs  when  the venous return peaks that usually happen in the exercising muscles , as they shed  vaso-dilatory  property  in post exertion phase .

Management Implication

 Fluid overload ,  Tachycardia   are more  related to diastolic dysfunction .(Beta blockers by prolonging  the diastole can , provide important relief of dyspnea in diastolic dysfunction (In HOCM patients   this action could be  more important that  the much hyped negative inotropism !)

Final message

Dyspnea is  a complex cortical  perception , influenced by filling pressure of heart, stretch receptor in lungs , respiratory and   exercise muscle . It is further impacted by number of biochemical parameters (Lactate/ O2 etc )

Of-course  , it could be a  far fetched  imagination to split dyspnea  mechanism with reference to cardiac cycle. Combinations  of both  systolic and diastolic dysfunction is the norm in many  cardiac conditions . However  , I believe  we need  more insight in the  pathogenesis of  this ,  “most important  symptom”   that emanate  from the heart .

Here is a  video recipe  !

Please click here to  see more videos from my you tube site

Prosthetic valve implantation has revolutionized the management of  valvular heart disease . The original concept valve  was a ball in a cage valve  , still considered as a  fascinating discovery.  It was conceived by the young Dr Starr and made by Engineer Edwards  .This was followed   by long hours of arguments,  debates and  experiments that ran into many months . The  silent corridors of  Oregon hospital Portland USA remain the only witness  to their hard work and motivation.  At last,  it happened , the first human valve was implanted in the year 1960. Since then . . . for nearly  50 years these valves  have done a seminal  job for the mankind.

With the advent of  disc valve and bi-leaflet valve in the  later decades of 20th century , we had to say a reluctant good-bye to this valve.

There is a  lingering question among many of the current generation cardiologists and surgeons why this valve became extinct ?

Starr and Edwards with their child !

We in India , are witnessing these old warrior inside the heart functioning for more than 30 years.From my institute of Madras medical college  which probably has inserted more Starr Edwards valve than any other  during the 1970s and 80s by Prof . Sadasivan , Solomon victor , and Vasudevan and others .

It is still a mystery why this valve lost its popularity and ultimately died a premature death.The modern hemodynamic  men  working from a theoretical labs thought  this valve was  hemodynamically  inferior. These Inferior valves worked  like a  power horse  inside the hearts  the poor Indian laborers  for over 30 years.

A Starr Edwards valve rocking inside the heart in mitral position

The cage which gives  a radial support* mimic  sub valvular apparatus, which none of the other valves can provide.

* Mitral  apparatus has 5 major  components. Annulus, leaflets, chordae, pap muscle, LV free wall.None of the artificial valves has all these components.  Though , we would love to have all of them technically it is simply not possible.  The metal cage of Starr Edwards  valve partially satisfies this  , as  it acts as a virtual sub valvular apparatus.Even though the cage has no contact with LV free wall, the mechano hydrolic  transduction of  LV forces to the annulus  is possible .

Further , the good hemodyanmics of this valve indicate , the cage ensures co axial blood  flow  across the mitral inflow throughout diastole. .Unlike the bi-leaflet valve ,  where the direction of  blood flow is determined by the quantum of leaflet excursion  in every beat . In bileaflet valves  each leaflet has independent determinants of valve  motion . In Starr Edwards valve the ball is the leaflet . In contrast to bi-leaflet valve , the contact area  of the  ball and the blood in Starr Edwards  is a smooth affair  and  ball makes sure  the LV forces are equally transmitted to it’s surface .

The superiority of bi-leaflet valves and disc valves  (Over ball and cage ) were  never proven convincingly in a randomized fashion . The other factor which pulled down this valve’s popularity was the supposedly high profile nature of this valve. LVOT tend to get narrowed in few undersized hearts.  This  can not be an  excuse , as no consistent  efforts were made to miniaturize this valve which is  distinctly possible.

Sudden deaths from  Starr Edwards valve  .

  • Almost unheard in our population.
  • The major reason  for the long durability of this valve is due to the  lack of  any metallic moving points .
  • Absence of hinge  in this  valve  confers  a huge mechanical  advantage with  no stress points.
  • A globe / or a ball  has  the universal hemodynamic advantage. This shape makes it difficult for thrombotic focus to stick and grow.

Final message

Science is considered as sacred as our religion Patients believe in us. We believe in science. A  good  durable valve  was  dumped from this world  for no good reason. If commerce is the  the main issue ( as many still believe it to be ! )  history will never  forgive those people who were  behind the murder of this innocent device.

Cardiologists and Cardio thoracic surgeons are equally culpable  for the pre- mature exit of this valve from human domain.  Why didn’t they protest ?  We  can get some solace  ,  if  only we can impress upon  the current valve manufacturers  to  give a fresh lease of life to this valve .


This was written originally in 2009 early days of this blog. Now, re-posting it in 2021  , wonder any one has new data on this! 

We know diabetes, smoking, hyperlidemia, hypertension are major risk factors for progressive vascular disease. They damage the vascular endothelium either directly or indirectly , by aggravating the atheroscelortic process .  Diabetes apart from affecting the medium sized arteries , also affect the microvasculature.  Smoking  has a direct effect on endothelial function .It depletes vascular nitric oxide. High levels of circulating lipids injures the sub endothelial structures and invades the media by entering macrophages .So , all these 4 risk factors either operate independently or interact with each other and result in progressive vascular    disease.

While we  believe , these risk factors do not have any bias in attacking the human vascular  tree, in the real world it is observed they have their own  behavior pattern and  have unique predilection and a deadly alliance .

For example , in  chronic smokers TAO is the commonest manifestation , thrombo angitis is far too less common to occur in the coronary arteries.

Similarly  hypertension  per se  rarely results in an acute coronary syndrome while it is  the  single  important  cause for cerebro vascular  disease. Diabetes especially in women has very strong predilection for CAD , while diabetic per se is a lesser risk for stroke. Hyperlipedimia may be the one which has fairly even risk throughout the vasculature. Similarly there is  a difference in renal and   carotid arterial involvement with reference to  the conventional  risk factors .

SHT diabetes dyslipidemia coroanry risk factor

Why this apparent difference ?

We are unlikely  to get an answer to this question in the near future .  Left to the youngsters  . . . of tomorrow !

* Note of  clarification

The source for the above chart is collected from various studies and also a huge observational data from our hospital. There could be some geographical variation , a given individual may respond differently to these risk factor depending upon his genetic predisposition and susceptibility . So the above data can be applied to general population and not to a individual.

It is often said life is a cycle , time machine rolls without rest and reach  the same  point  again and again . This is  applicable for the  knowledge cycle as well .

We  live a life ,  which is infact a  “fraction of a time”(<100years) when we consider the evolution of life in our planet for over 4 million years.

Man has survived and succumbed to various natural and  self inflicted diseases &  disasters. Currently,  in this  brief phase of life  , CAD is the major epidemic , that confronts  modern  man.It determines the ultimate  life expectancy . The fact that ,  CAD is a new age  disease   and  it was  not  this rampant ,   in our ancestors  is well known .The disease has evolved with man’s pursuit for knowledge and wealth.

A simple example of how the management of CAD over 50 years will  help assess the importance of  “Time in medical therapeutics”

  • 1960s: Life style modification and Medical therapy  is  the standard of care in all stable chronic  CAD The fact is medical and lifestyle management remained the only choice in this period as   other options were not available. (Absence of choice was  a blessing as we subsequently realised  ! read further )
  • The medical  world started looking for options to manage CAD.
  • 1970s : CABG was  a major innovation for limiting angina .
  • 1980s: Plain balloon angioplasty a revolution in the management of CAD.
  • 1990s: Stent scaffolding of    the coronaries  was  a great add on .Stent  was too  dangerous  for routine use  was to be used only in bail out situations
  • Mid 1990s : Stents  reduced restenosis. Stents are  the greatest revolution for CAD management.Avoiding stent in a PCI  is unethical , stents  should be liberally used. Every PCI should be followed by stent.
  • Stents have potential complication so a good luminal dilatation with stent like result (SLR)  was  preferred so that we can avoid stent related complications.
  • 2000s: Simple  bare metal stents are not enough .It also has significant restenosis.
  • 2002: BMS are too notorius for restenosis and may be dangerous to use
  • 2004 : Drug eluting stents are god’s gift to mankind.It eliminates restenosis by 100% .
  • 2006:  Drug eluting stents not only eliminates restenosis it eliminates many patients suddenly by subacute stent thrombosis
  • 2007 : The drug is not  the culprit in DES it is the non bio erodable polymer that causes stent thrombosis. Polymer free DES  or   biodegradable stent , for temporary scaffolding  of the coronary artery  (Poly lactic acid )  are likely to  be the standard of care .
  • All stents  are  potentially dangerous for the simple reason any metal within the coronary artery  has a potential for acute occlusion.In chronic CAD it is not at all necessary to open the occluded coronary arteries , unless  CAD is severely symptomatic in spite of best  medical therapy.
  • 2007: Medical management is superior to PCI  in most of the situations in chronic CAD  .(COURAGE study ) .Avoid PCI whenever possible.
  • 2009 :The fundamental principle of CAD management  remain unaltered. Life style modification,  regular  exercise ,  risk factor reduction, optimal doses of anti anginal drug, statins and aspirin  is the time tested recipe for effective management of CAD .

So the CAD  therapeutic  journey  found  it’s  true  destination  ,  where it started in 1960s.

Final message

Every new option of therapy must be tested  against every past option .There are other reverse cycles  in cardiology  that includes the  role of diuretics  in SHT , beta blockers in CHF etc. It is ironical , we are in the era  of rediscovering common sense with sophisticated research methodology .What our ancestors know centuries ago , is perceived to be great scientific breakthroughs . It takes  a  pan continental , triple  blinded  randomised trial   to prove physical activity is good  for the heart .(INTERHEART , MONICA  studies etc) .

Medical profession is bound to experience hard times in the decades to come ,  unless we  look back in time and “constantly scrutinize”  the so called  scientific breakthroughs and  look  for genuine treasures for a great future !

Common sense protects more humans than modern science and  it comes free of cost  too . . .

Exercise  stress test ( Also called treadmill test ) is an important investigation  not only in patients  with suspected  CAD  but also in  established CAD . In the former  group ,  it helps us to exclude CAD in patients with chest  pain and in the later group ,  it helps us to assess  functional capacity , risk stratification and to detect any  additional ( New or residual ) ischemia.

Stress test being a physiological test , has a huge  advantage of assessing the adequacy of myocardial blood flow without even  knowing the coronary anatomy , while Coronary angiogram (CAG)   has a zero physiological value* in spite of   excellent assessment of the coronary anatomy !

It is an irony , in the assessment of angina we are expected to assess the physiological adequacy of myocardial blood flow ,  we have kept coronary angiogram as a gold standard  over and above the much  neglected  physiological stress test.

Of course, the limitation of stress test is that ,  it has only 75%  specificity(  to rule out CAD ) and about 80% sensitivity (To detect CAD ) .In simple terms  stress test is likely to miss  20% times to miss a CAD  in patients with CAD  and 25% of times falsely diagnose CAD  in patients without CAD.

In the above statistics  ,  coronary angiogram was considered   gold standard . The problem with this data is that , CAG is not the real gold standard ,but it was  nominated  as a gold standard . We now know normal coronary angiogram is not equivalent  to  normal coronary arteries and vice versa.

While both test have limitations , it is logical to believe CAG has an edge over stress test since it visualises the anatomy. But ,  once an obstruction is demonstrated by CAG, stress test scores over in assessing the physiological impact of the lesion.

Is a 70% LAD lesion significant or not ?

Stress test will give vital information to answer this question.If this patient performs 10-12Met exercise without symptoms it means , the obstruction is not impeding the flow even during stress. He may do well with medical therapy.

What does a positive stress *mean for the patient and for the physician ?

(* A false positive EST in LVH, anemia, baseline ST shifts are included in discussion )
  • A positive stress test  with or without angina at low workload <5 METS  indicates very significant obstructive CAD either in left main , or proximal LAD/LCX. They should get immediate CAG.
  • A positive stress test at load  5-10METS  is again significant and patients should get early CAG
  • A positive stress test with angina at good work load >10-12 mets  would indicate insignificant or minimally obstructive  CAD.
  • A positive stress test at  the peak of exercise  at good work load > 10-12METS without angina could indicate a false positive or very minimal CAD.

For the physician , the proper way  of interpretation  should be , the fact that a person performs 10-12  METS  indicate the myoacardial blood flow  would  be  more than adequate in most life situations. Knowing the coronary anatomy serves no purpose here, as no revascularisation will be attempted even if he is going to have a significant CAD ( Which again , is also highly unlikely ) .He should be managed with appropriate lifestyle (Diet, activity, relaxation )  anti anginal drugs,  aspirin , good lipid control and plaque stabilisation with statins .

Can a  patient with critical left main  or proximal LAD  perform >10METS in exercise stress test ?

No , large clinical experience (Also refered to Class C evidence  by ACC/AHA!) indicate no patient with critical  left main or equivalent disease  can perform 10 METS  excercise

While  ,  EST may be less hyped investigation, but it is the  only  noninvasive test , ( that too , simple and  cheap ) that can rule out * a significant left main  or equivalent almost   100%  correctly .

Now that,   the results of COURAGE  and BARI 2D have clearly indicated medical therapy is best form of management  in chronic  CAD , ( except in severe obstructive CAD in vital locations)  a  positive EST  at > 10-12Mets  , has absolutely no indication* to for doing a CAG.

*Some would advocate a policy of  doing a  CAG as a baseline investigation in all patients with positive EST  to know the coronary anatomy and will not proceed onto revascularisation if there is insignificant lesions.

Further ,  real life experience has taught us , routine  CAG in these patients

  1. Increases patient anxiety as he is given a report with a diagram of obstructed heart vessels
  2. Leads to multiple cardiac consultations
  3. Divergence of opinions
  4. Finally end up in  the likely hood of a inappropriate  revascularisation for a  insignificant distal CAD.

Final message

Every patient,  who has positive stress test  , ( Please note , it could  even be  true positive  )  need not undergo CAG .  Most  interventional cardiologists could  feel  otherwise , but one should also  remember ,  There is one  more role  for the interventional cardiologist ie  , to intervene when inappropriate interventions are done to their patients.


NSTEMI constitutes a very heterogeneous population .The cardiac risk can vary between very low to very high . In contrast , STEMI patients carry a high risk for electro mechanical complication including sudden death .They all need immediate treatment either with thrombolysis or PCI to open up the blood vessel and salvage the myocardium.

The above concept , may be true in many situations , but what we fail to recognize is that , STEMI also is a heterogeneous clinico pathological with varying risks and outcome !
Let us see briefly , why this is very important in the management of STEMI

Management of STEMI has undergone great change over the past 50 years and it is the standing example of evidence based coronary care in the modern era ! The mortality , in the early era was around 30-40% . The advent of coronary care units, defibrillators, reduced the mortality to around 10-15% in 1960 /70s . Early use of heparin , aspirin further improved the outcome .The inhospital mortality was greatly reduced to a level of 7-8% in the thrombolytic era. And , then came the interventional approach, namely primary PCI , which is now considered the best form of reperfusion when done early by an experienced team.

Inspite of this wealth of evidence for the superiority of PCI , it is only a fraction of STEMI patients get primary PCI even in some of the well equipped centers ( Could be as low as 15 %)

Why ? this paradox

Primary PCI has struggled to establish itself as a global therapeutic concept for STEMI , even after 20 years of it’s introduction (PAMI trial) . If we attribute , lack of infrastructure , expertise are responsible for this low utility of primary PCI , we are mistaken ! There are so many institutions , at least in developing world , reluctant to do primary PCI for varied reasons.( Affordability , support system , odd hours ,and finally perceived fear of untoward complication !)

Primary PCI may be a great treatment modality , but it comes with a inherent risk related to the procedure.

In fact the early hazard could exceed the potential benefit in many of the low risk STEMI patients !

All STEMI’s are not same , so all does not require same treatment !

Common sense and logic would tell us any medical condition should be risk stratified before applying the management protocol. This will enable us to avoid applying “high risk – high benefit” treatments in low risk patients . It is a great surprise, the cardiology community has extensively researched to risk stratify NSTEMI/UA , it has rarely considered risk stratification of STEMI before starting the treatment.

In this context , it should be emphasized most of the clinical trails on primary PCI do not address the clinical relevance and the differential outcomes in various subsets of STEMI .

Consider the following two cases.

Two young men with STEMI , both present within 3 hours after onset of symptoms

  1. ST elevation in V1 -V6 , 1 , AVL , Low blood pressure , with severe chest pain.
  2. ST elevation in 2 ,3, AVF , hemodynamically stable , with minimal or no discomfort .

In the above example, a small inferior MI by a distal RCA occlusion , and a proximal LAD lesion jeopardising entire anterior wall , both are categorized as STEMI !
Do you want to advocate same treatment for both ? or Will you risk stratify the STEMI and treat individually ? (As we do in NSTEMI !)

Current guidelines , would suggest PCI for both situations. But , logistic , and real world experience would clearly favor thrombolysis for the second patient .
Does that mean, the second patient is getting an inferior modality of treatment ?

Not at all . In fact there is a strong case for PCI being inferior in these patients as the risk of the procedure may far outweigh the benefit especially if it is done on a random basis by not so well experienced cath lab team.
(Note : Streptokinase or TPA does not vary it’s action , whether given by an ambulance drive or a staff nurse or even a cardiologist ! .In contrast , the infrastructure and expertise have the greatest impact on the success and failure of PCI )
Final message

So , it is argued the world cardiology societies(ACC/ESC etc) need to risk stratify STEMI (Like we do in NSTEMI ) into low risk, intermediate risk and high risk categories and advice primary PCI only for high risk patients.



This is a 15-year-old post about LVH, written in 2008. Few of my colleagues, now agree with this, still hesitate to oblige in the open, suggesting it is too good to be true! Re-posting it for your own assessment. Surprised, why cardiology community didn’t consider this observation worthy to pursue.

Advantages of Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)

Left ventricular hypertrophy is one of the most common clinical cardiac entity.It is recognised either by ECG or echocardiography.LVH has a unique place in cardiology as it can imply a  grossly pathological state or  a marker of healthy heart as in physiological hypertrophy in athletes.

Logic would suggest, in this era of  stem cells and  nano medicine ,  every muscle fibre in ventricle is worth in gold !. So when the nature provides an  extra reserve of myocardium in the form of LVH one should welcome it , if otherwise not harmful.

Is LVH due to systemic hypertension benign ?

Not really, LVH has been shown to be an independent cardiac risk factor. (The famous Framingham study)Further LVH can result in diastolic dysfunction and the risk of cardiac failure increases.

But in spite of these observations, an  astute clinician with considerable experience will appreciate , patients with LVH fare better during an acute coronary syndrome !

This has been a consistent clinical observation . (Shall we call it as class C . ACC /AHA evidence ? )

Is LVH  an asset during ACS ?

  • A hypertrophied heart takes ischemic injury very easy , it doesn’t really hurt much . Another possibility is that in  LVH myocytes are relatively resistant to hypoxia .
  • Patients with LVH rarely show  significant wall motion defect following an STEMI.This is probably because the full thickness transmural necrosis is almost never possible even if extensive MI occurs.
  • This is also reflected in ECG  as these patients   rarely develop q waves in  following STEMI .
  • Persistent ST elevation and failed thrombolysis is very uncommon in pateints with LVH.
  • LVH provides  a relative immunity against development of cardiogenic shock . It requires 40% of LV mass destruction to produce cardiogenic shock.This can rarely happen in LVH. In a  long term analysis we have found none of the patient with LVH developed cardiogenic shock following STEMI.
  • LVH patients  are also protected against development of free wall rupture.

 Concluding message

                   “Lack of published evidence is the weakest evidence to dismiss a true myth”

LVH , either pathological or physiological, has a hitherto unreported beneficial effect.It acts as a myocardial reserve and helps limit the impact of STEMI.



Leriche syndrome (1948, Annals of Surgery, College de Paris, France) is a famous eponym in Aortic vascular emergency, where a saddle-shaped thrombus folds across the Aortic bi-furcation resulting in bilateral lower limb vascular insufficiency.

Though such vascular emergencies can occur in any bifurcation point in a vascular tree, it is not often thought about in acute coronary syndrome.

Large thrombus burden in LAD or LCX is so commonly visualized, while in a stump left main, we often fail to recognize the fact, that it is almost the same as “saddle embolus” sitting across both LAD & LCX bifurcation.

Most such patients do not reach the hospital. If the thrombus migrates to one of the branches, it might evolve either as LAD STEMI, LCX STEMI, or a combination of both. We have seen a few lucky Left main STEMIs in the cath lab, with some spontaneous canalization.

Final message

De-novo Coronary Leriche syndrome is a real entity. For many of us this may appear, just an acute coronary curiosity, since most of the time it results in silent sudden deaths and escapes from our vision. However, primary PCI Interventionalists need to be aware of this concept, as meddling in this critical arena with high thrombus load can rapidly evolve into an acquired Leriche syndrome, for which the operator becomes squarely responsible.


1.Leriche R, Morel A. The Syndrome of Thrombotic Obliteration of the Aortic Bifurcation. Ann Surg. 1948 Feb;127(2):193-206. doi: 10.1097/00000658-194802000-00001. PMID: 17859070; PMCID: PMC1513778.

Link 2

1. Wrap around LAD true Global MI



2. RCA-dependent LAD circulation through collaterals

RCA dependent lad circulation


3. True bifurcation STEMI with static thrombus  (Carinal trapping of thrombus  ,Coronary Lerish sydrome )

4. Embolic  STEMI with showers of emboli  into both LCX and LAD

thrombus leriche syndrome equivalent in coronary

Simultaneous or sequential Anterior and Inferior STEMI

5. Mid or Proximal LAD lesion with proximal thrombus build-up

Further possibilities 

 Mimickers: Distal LAD lesions -Inferior ST elevation due to sparing of diagonal

 Wrong diagnosis -ERS pattern, pericarditis etc.

We have more than solid evidence, that rate control is good enough or even better than rhythm control in the management of AF , for more than two decades. Studies that showed either equipoise or rate control was marginally superior in certain clinical parameters are.

1.AFFIRM (2002)



4.HOT-CAFE (2004)

Now, in 2020s with modalities like ablation, the choice is being pushed toward Pro-rhythm control. (Of course with evidence).Some of these studies are,

1.EAST-AFNET (2020)

2.CASTLE AF(2018)

3.RAFT AF (Again equivocal)

With emerging new technologies, scientists are trying whether more safer methods like cryoablation or pulse-filed ablation would beat the rate control with drugs. Still, rhythm control strategy is finding it tough to win over the apparently less scientific rate control strategy. (Why? The reason is discussed elsewhere )

How can rhythm control be inferior or non-superior? Something is wrong. We can’t leave it like that. Let’s do a meta-analysis”

Even meta-analysis couldn’t help out rhythm control strategy.(Caldeira, Daniel et al. “Rate versus rhythm control in atrial fibrillation and clinical outcomes: updated systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.” Archives of cardiovascular diseases 105 4 (2012): 226-38 .)

Now, what shall we do? , Let us do another meta-analysis. A fresh one is released just a few days ago in 2024 . This mega meta-analysis with almost similar data, clearly vouchs for the superiority of early rhythm control with some form of ablation. It is gratifying that, with this study, we could sustain some confusion, in the management of this most common cardiac arrhythmia.

When will this fight for Rate vs Rhythm control in AF end?

Answer: It will not stop as long as an entity AF exists. Research, as the name implies, we need to search again, & again for truth. However, In the case of AF, I think, a different game is being played in the EP arena. It looks like, we are fighting with an established truth, not fighting for the truth.


1.Stefanos Zafeiropoulos, Ioannis Doundoulakis, Alexandra Bekiaridou et al Rhythm vs Rate Control Strategy for Atrial Fibrillation: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials J Am Coll Cardiol EP. May 08, 2024. Epublished DOI: 10.1016/j.jacep.2024.03.006

(This is supposed to be a poll. Sorry, readers, you can’t select the answer. WordPress is not kind enough and suddenly made the poll service payable extra. I am already paying nearly a $100 fee to maintain this site. I can’t afford any more.)

We have been taught Bi-Atrial enlargement is the rule in AF .It is still true in most situations. But, we rarely dispute it , & ask which atrium dilates more in AF ?

Let us see few factors.

  • Both atria develop from a combination of the primitive atrium, sinus venous, and pulmonary veins.It is logical to presume there must be a hidden morpho-electrical continuity.
  • The baseline RA dimension is a few mm more than LA. Further, it is thin-walled, more compliant and can distend depending on volemic status.
  • When atrial fibrillation (AF) begins, it can start with a single focus, degenerating to multiple wavelets, and it spreads throughout the entire surface area of both atria. A fibrillatory wave that occurs at a rate of more than 600 beats per minute can cause fatigue in the long run, leading to atrial dilation.
  • In all probability, this dilation is a form of atrial tachycardia and atrial cardiomyopathy. However, underlying lesions such as hypertension, mitral valve disease, COPD, ASD, and TR greatly influence the degree of atrial enlargement.
Spatial relationship of sites for atrial fibrillation drivers and atrial tachycardia in patients with both arrhythmias July 2017 International Journal of Cardiology 248(3)
  • AF begets AF. This is similar to MR begets MR. Atrial functional MR occurs when the lower part of the atria stretches the mitral annulus. It is important to recall that a small area of the posterior aspect of the LA is a part of the mitral valve apparatus. Therefore, AF begetting MR and MR begetting AF should not be considered a funny rhyme, but rather a realistic possibility.
  • Histopathological specimens of atrial tissue in chronic AF can present with surprising results. The atrial muscle can be entirely normal, or the interstitium can be infiltrated with lipids, fibroblasts, amyloid, etc.
  • Regarding the issue at hand, it is widely known that in cases of mitral stenosis with AF, the left atrium (LA) is larger than the right atrium (RA) due to the obvious reason that the baseline LA was larger at the onset of AF. However, in cases of lone AF, AF in hypertension, or chronic AF, both atria tend to dilate equally..

Implications for electrophysiologists.

In contrast to other tachycardias, with atrial fibrillation (AF), the focus is often speculative, and ablation attempts are made accordingly. Pulmonary veins have been the primary target for ablation for many years, yet the success rates remain inconsistent. To determine if the AF focus is non-pulmonary venous, such as right atrial, septal, or involving the inferior vena cava (IVC) or superior vena cava (SVC), several techniques are employed to provoke and localize these non-pulmonary vein triggers

Localized atrial fibrosis and interatrial blocks can result in differential fibrillatory counts across the atria. (RA fib-rate can be more than LA, and vice versa.) Is there proof for this, or just an academic gossip? We know atrial flutters can be confined to one atrium. (Pierre Jaïs Circulation 2000) When such flutters transform into fibrillation, how does the spillover of signals occur to the contralateral atrium? On a personal note, we have recorded good E & A Doppler signals across the tricuspid valve, in RHD mitral stenosis, and AF. No published proof as such. I strongly suspect the right atrium can resist the tsunami of approaching fibrillatory waves from engulfing its chamber in at least some patients. An appeal to the new generation EPs who have special flair in AF should look into this and either prove or disprove it.

Final message

My answer to the question is either D or E. Atrial size in AF is not a trivial thing to ignore. This question pushes a simple idea. In primary or lone AF, just by having a look at the RA to LA size ratio, one might get a reasonable guess,about the Initial focus, trigger & pathology of the AF.

A request to all the high profile stake holders involved in the science of PV ablation (either with Ice or fire). Think about all the possible right-sided or septal focuses, before going overzealously for the jugulars of Pulmonary veins, especially if the RA significantly larger than LA . This will save time, effort & of course our reputation.




As the medical literature expands exponentially, the quality and intent of the research questions sound awry. There are only a handful of journals like JAMA that are bold enough to ask some tough and pragmatic questions in this glitzy world of medical extravaganza.

The current issue wants to set the pace for an important debate, on a topic that is rarely discussed.

The question is

Link to the article

Check whether your answers concur with this crucial query from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. Three questions this article wishes to address.

1.What is the reason it is happening?

2. What are the implications?

3. What can be done for it?

My thoughts

“It is indeed over diagnosed. Once labeled, a chain reaction is set in. The cost, and resource consumption that follow a misdiagnosis are nearly identical to that of a true MI. More than that, the adversities of the tense investigative protocol can convert a misdiagnosis into a real one because that sadly includes even an overzealous poking right at the mouth of the coronary artery just o exclude a non existing MI . and ICU-related anxiety stand apart in this scientific comical game of ruling out a cardiac emergency.

The paper seems to blame mostly on the powerful screening test high sensitivity Troponin, Everyone will agree it has a major role in this. But, the more important reason is the cardiology community’s vigorous adoption of a universal definition of MI criteria (which is never intended to apply at the bedside) .Next factor is probably more important. The fear of missing a potential MI and legal consequences thereafter. I wish, the experts who sit on medical juries need to learn few extra lessons in the art of medical uncertainties.

Medical jurists, need to take some Intellectual cues from their criminal courts. How is it that, even well-planned criminal murders are successfully allowed to be argued and won in courts,…while inadvertent events such as missing an inconsequential MI by doctors are rarely pardoned?

How to avoid over diagnosis of MI ?

In this scenario, It is sad, that only very few cardiologists have the guts to ignore this omnipotent molecular sub-fraction of cardiac muscle Troponin, with their clinical skills. What we can do, at our level is to incorporate a new term “benign or micro myocardial Infarction” – akin to lacunar infarcts or TIA equivalents of the brain in the heart. We need to de-list the vast majority of chronic ischemic,non-ischemic, or systemic causes of Troponin leaks from the myocardial infarction chart. Physicians must realize, that protocol violation should not be deemed a crime always, rather it has a sure potential to benefit your patient if it is done properly and intelligently.

Final message

Recently one cardiologist in a sub-urban center was thrashed both physically and in social media ,for missing an ACS , which was subsequently recognised and treated well and good.

Doctors should be legally allowed,* (rather forgiven) to make permissible levels of errors in the medical decision-making process ” like any other profession .However, we must ensure our constant pursuit towards zero error, which may not be possible always. This should include overlooking apparently positive lab results if they have reasonably applied their clinical acumen. *Until this happens, the unquantifiable suffering of our patients* due to over-diagnosis and inappropriate interventions can not be reigned in.

*Maybe, this sounds more controversial statement in my 15 years of writing. Beloved patients shall note, it is a rare for me to make what probably, look like an anti-patient statement. Till now, I have been blamed my many of our colleagues, as self slandering my own profession for too many errors in many of the posts. Nothing can be done for this. When you search for truths , you need to tolerate all these.


1.McCarthy CP, Wasfy JH, Januzzi JL. Is Myocardial Infarction Overdiagnosed? JAMA. Published online April 24, 2024. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.5235

2.Shah  ASV, Sandoval  Y, Noaman  A,  et al.  Patient selection for high sensitivity cardiac troponin testing and diagnosis of myocardial infarction: prospective cohort study.   BMJ. 2017;359:

This image comes with courtesy of the Journal of SCAI Jai Parekh, Vikram Sharma, Jared Robl,et al Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions 3 (2024) 101310

What is your diagnosis ?

I thought, it was pacemaker extrusion. It was indeed a close answer, still terribly wrong. It is an intentional exterior placement of a permanent pacemaker generator mimicking an extrusion due to pocket infection. Here is a patient, where a permanent pacemaker was kept temporarily for a few weeks or a month in high-risk reversible complete heart block situations. This typically occurs after an inferior posterior myocardial infarction, drug-induced CHB.

Currently, with the arrrival of TAVR, CHB has beceome a glamorous complication and is getting wider attention. This happens due to the anatomical uncertainties where the inferior landing zone of TAVI is pre-destained and is beyond our control. This is more true in the self expanding Core valve platform . When the lower edge treaspass the non-coronary cusp- membranous septal junction, it hits perfectly the compact post-penetrating bundle of His, confering a high risk of CHB.

Still, the good thing is some of them recover as the pressure edema regress .Putting a PPM in all such patients was considered mandatory or even a vanity in the past. Now we realise it is an additional metallic luggage in an already strained heart, Temporary-PPM the oxymoronic innovation is perfect option in this setting.

Final message

A typical external temporary pacemaker can be kept for up to 2 weeks maximum. (We have kept it for a month or so) It’s done via the jugular, subclavian, or even femoral. If the underlying condition demands more time for recovery of CHB, many do a regular permanent pacemaker.

Now , we have this unique option of using PPM as TPM. This is not a new concept though. It was used few decades ago .Has come back in more centers .Thanks to TAVI and its specific complications.


1.Rodés-Cabau J. Ellenbogen K.A. Krahn A.D. et al. Management of conduction disturbances associated with transcatheter aortic valve replacement: JACC Scientific Expert Panel. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2019; 74: 1086-1106.

2. Leong D, Sovari AA, Ehdaie A, Chakravarty T, Liu Q, Jilaihawi H, Makkar R, Wang X, Cingolani E, Shehata M. Permanent-temporary pacemakers in the management of patients with conduction abnormalities after transcatheter aortic valve replacement. J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2018 Jun;52(1):111-116. doi: 10.1007/s10840-018-0345-z. Epub 2018 Mar 12. PMID: 29532275.

Lowering the raised LA mean pressure is a major therapeutic goal in any severely symptomatic left heart disease, whether it is valvular or myocardial disease. It is prudent to understand, that even in systolic LV failure; it is the raised LVEDP that causes the symptoms and marks the limits of exercise capacity. Drugs like inotropes, pre-load , afterload modulators like diuretics and vasodilators can take care to a certain extent.

When symptoms are refractory and the underlying condition has no primary correction , we need to intervene with some extreme procedures. We know a small ASD decompresses mitral stenosis, and the combination of ASD and MS, Lutembacher, is a well-known syndrome called Lutembacher. The concept of LA flow regulator or decompressor came from this .

When the left ventricle is stiffened and restrictive, and LA mean pressure is prohibitively high,we have a viable option now. This is to create a small regulatory orifice in the IAS ( A complicated term for a small ASD) to decompress the LA and reduce pulmonary congestive symptoms. Curious minds might ask, can’t we decompress LV it self by creating a small VSD. Probably in the thin membranous area. May be, it will come soon in the innovative lanes of cardiology.

As of now, we have an important human study REDUCE LAP-HF II , from Chicago with a 2-year follow-up up .The device used here was Corvia atrial shunt system.

The study finds the device can be beneficial without compromising much on RV side function.

Animation Courtesy: Corvia website; The procedure looks simple when compared with other procedures inside the LA .The device looks like an octopus, and sits on either side of IAS, like a stapler and maintains the orifice.

Here is an audio podcast from the primary author published in JAMA network.

Interview with Sanjiv J. Shah, author of Atrial Shunt Device Effects on Cardiac Structure and Function in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: The REDUCE LAP-HF II Randomized Clinical Trial. Hosted by James E. Udelson,

Final message

This device’s core concept lies in requesting the right ventricle to help its bigger brother LV at its difficult times. You can call this an artificially created interventricular dependence. Though it might help, we need to watch the right heart’s dynamics closely. Maybe, if RV is experiencing difficulty, we can have external control over the IAS orifice and flow as and when required. (This is not new, a remote-controlled switch regulation was done for pulmonary banding in children with congenital heart disease who needed regulation of pulmonary flow by a device FloWatch-R-PAB  (Ref 2)

It is logical to expect the same device would be useful to decompress RA at high pressures as in severe primary pulmonary hypertension. If you think backwards, it looks the same as a life-saving, reverse Rashkind procedure variant in adult


1.Patel RB, Silvestry FE, Komtebedde J, et al. Atrial Shunt Device Effects on Cardiac Structure and Function in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: The REDUCE LAP-HF II Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Cardiol. 

2.Antonio F Corno, et al JTVS 2003 Remote controlled pulmonary artery banding

Primary PCI of IRA , continues to be a clinically popular & statistically validated  (In spite of some critical ifs & buts) coronary reperfusion strategy.

What to do, if  we happen to detect, a significant or borderline lesion in the Non- IRA territory during pPCI ?

There are too many guidelines scattered across cardiology literature to “help or confuse” us on this issue. They argue for either immediate intervention or defer transiently, postpone or just ignore , based on clinical ,hemodynamic*, Individual, institutional , or some other non academic factors. (Permanently deferred PCI is other wise called medical management, is practiced by some inferior cardiologists or GPs who never refer such patients to higher centers after a stand alone thrombolysis)

* The FFR, iFR RFR, related stuff

What if if we are completely blinded to the status of Non IRA vessel ?

What do you mean ?

I mean , can we be, “not- aware” of contra-lateral lesion status ?

Yes, “Simply don’t do a non IRA angiogram , that’s it. If its RCA PCI , don’t shoot Left main, and vice versa for LAD. Do a PCI without doing a completed CAG. I mean IRA PCI alone, by guessing it by ECG .

What a crazy Idea ?

This week’s JAMA has something* relatable to this idea. The aim was to do PCI before complete CAG , to document any advantage. (It is important to note, CAG was done in all patients)

Did this study really happen ? Seem to have many ethical issues . That too, published in JAMA net work. Yes, it was done, I guess , with a legal protection . Apparently, It was done without an informed consent even.

Was there any advantage of proceeding directly to IRA PCI ?

Yes. Reperfusion times were significantly shorter as expected.

Any other advantage ?

I think there are definitely few more, that can’t be reported by many of us, for either unscientific or ethical reasons.

Any disadvantage?

Proceeding to do PCI without knowing contralateral coronary status is unprofessional act and potential to end up in low quality reperfusion.

Final message

Incidentally, this study raises lots of interesting possibilities. Why should we know , the status of non IRA at all, if IRA is opened and flowing well ?( Missing a critical lesion in non IRA is a crime , is it not ?) I agree. but, don’t use big words. Wish some one does a study with totally blinded about non IRA status, however unethical and unscientific it may be. After all, globally 90% of all successful myocardial reperfusion is done by the humble streptokinase or the more glamorous TNK -TPA . Both these agents never bother to know, which coronary arterial thrombosis its going to work .

As a learnt cardiologist, we must realize most of the STEMIs can be managed successfully* without even knowing which is the IRA, forget about the non-IRA. Tackling non IRA lesion is never considered as an emergency procedure , in fact it carries a fair chance of precipitating one.


Beware, the conclusions of this study, and the core suggestion in this post may-not be related , if any one finds , it is at their own cost of “whims or wisdom

A 76-year-old woman with a history of double valve replacement (Aortic and mitral valves) for rheumatic heart disease, presented with acute dyspnea after a switch from Warfarin to LMWH before a planned bone marrow biopsy.

The investigations revealed a stuck aortic prosthetic valve ,that showed a prohibitive gradient of more than 50 mmhg. Since, she refused further surgery, a rare and risky effort was made to balloon dilate the prosthetic valve leaflet, though it is not a standard approved modality. It was decided to dilate the supero-lateral orifice and the central orifices by simultaneous kissing balloon. The results were dramatic.

The images and video are reproduced with courtesy of Dr. David Smith, Dr. Ayush Khurana, Department of Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery, Morriston Cardiac Centre, Swansea Bay University Health Board, Swansea, United Kingdom

The stuck valve

Twin balloon dilatation of bi-leaflet valve in between the superior and central orifice

There are few important lessons from this rare case report.

  1. The innovative double balloon catheter Inflation across the the mechanical prosthetic valve is possible. This technique is likely to emerge more useful in the post TAVI population as well.(JSCCAI 2023)
  2. Some times, a simple maneuvers like tapping , pushing or releasing stuck leaflet will solve the issue in few lucky patients. The reason is a clot less than 2mm can strategically sit on the hinge point and interfere with its motion. Dislodging a 2mm clot in all likely hood cause a benign TIA , or just vanish in the aortic stream down the hill,
  3. However , the risk of thromboembolism is genuine in those a clear thrombus is visualised. Hence distal protection by an Aortic sentinel device or its equivalent (FilterWire EZ, Tri-guard) is a must. If Aortic protection device is not available, proceeding with patient & family consent is not forbidden if circumstances demand.(In India ,we do PTMC with mini LA clots without any protection) A video on Sentinel aortic filter

4.It is to be noted if the obstruction is due to pannus , risk of thrombosis is almost nil and safety of prosthetic balloon valvuloplasty is almost ensured.(Of course with risk of device leaflet damage )

5.As on today, differentiating pannus from thrombus remains continues to be a learnt clinical guess game. CT and MRI can give more crucial inputs. To make things more difficult , a raw area over pannus could be the nidus for the thrombus.

6.Probably , the major learning point (rather a sort of mistake) is the decision to switch over to LMWH in lieu of OAC. Time and again we have seen LMWH is a weak anticoagulant, with erratic correlation of Anti X-a activity and efficacy.

7.I believe, in the above case. this complication might not have occurred if she had continued on OAC , if that was not possible , a switch to regular un-fractioned Heparin as a bridge during the surgery could have been the right choice. Generally, overestimation risk of bleeding viz a viz with life threatening thrombosis is quiet common especially in patients with prosthetic valve.

Current approach for prosthetic valve obstruction

A comprehensive review and surprise inclusion of leaflet release as an option.(Ref3)


1.David Smith, Ayush Khurana, Aprim Youhana, Adrian Ionescu, Kissing Balloon “Valvuloplasty” of Obstructed Mechanical Aortic Valve: When You Are Running Out of Options, JACC: Case Reports,Volume 4, Issue 13, 2022, Pages 799-801,

2.Kandzari DE, Carlson H, Gott JP, Kaul P, Brown WM. Balloon “Valvuloplasty” for Mechanical Valve Dysfunction. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2017 Mar 13;10(5):e47-e49. doi: 10.1016/j.jcin.2016.12.025. Epub 2017 Feb 15. PMID: 28216222.

3. A review on management of mechanical prosthetic valve